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Up to 30% Less Than Competitors

Quality American Made Mud Flaps



Why Buy Ultimate Flaps?

Today’s trucks and SUVs are shaped like today’s cars — from a front view. The fenders and cab are contouring the wheels. The tires are getting larger and wider, but are still straight up and down, therefore throwing whatever is in its tread (water, rocks, mud) on your paint. Not to mention, it’s also throwing whatever is in its tread on your trailers, boat and drivers behind you. Most of Ultimate Flaps’ rear 3/4 and 1 ton flaps are 14 inches wide, covering 12.5 inch tires perfectly. 

Made In USA

Ultimate Flaps are manufactured in the USA.

Free Shipping

Offering free shipping on all products.

Lifetime Warranty

We manufacture warranted mud flaps. 


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